Boycott Quotes

"Software patent attacks are a problem for both copyleft and copyright developers" "Software patent holders don't care whether the competitor that should be eliminated is oriented copyleft or copyright."

"One of the objectives of this boycott is to stop the threat of software patents"

A quote from

Patrick Dalvinck, regiomanager Benelux voor Trend Micro. "Waar het om draait is dat een commerciƫle organisatie technologie gebruikt van een andere, waarvoor geen licentierechten worden afgedragen."


Patrick Dalvinck, Trend Micro region manager for Belgium, Holland and Luxemburg: "It's all about one commercial organization using technology from another without paying any license fees."

"The problem here is that there is no multi million dollar high tech investment in a great invention but just an software patent of nothing more than an obvious concept. Of course you're not going to pay for baked air." "It is nothing more than extortion." "Which is comparable to one automobile manufacturer's claim that another automobile manufacturer should pay for its use of round wheels"

"The result of software patents is overall more devastating than virus attacks."

About Vrijschrift and Wiebe van der Worp

Vrijschrift was founded By Wiebe van der Worp to stimulate free information but the EU software patent directive was to important to neglect. Stimulating turned into protecting. After joining forces with FFII Vrijschrift played a major role during the fight against the directive. What TM did was dropping salt in the old wound from Brussels and that caused the call for a boycott. Vrijschrift started an international branch and this boycott is a typical example of doing what must be done. The organization has only volunteers and is backed with lawyers and other experts from The Netherlands and Belgium.

The FSF has stated they support the action and I am sure many other organizations will follow soon.

Boycott Quotes (last edited 2009-05-30 23:36:25 by localhost)