Keep ScriptumLibre Up and Running

The Dutch Foundation is our legal entity and has bills to pay, even while we are 100% run by volunteers that don't get a penny. Money is needed more than ever to cover our costs and objectives. With your financial support, we can make a difference. Thank you for donating generously!

How to donate

Total transparency

We put the date and amount of your donation in the "Donations received" section of this page as we process it. Hint: a "funny" amount (12.34 €, 23.45 €, 3.14€,...) is easy to track.Do you want to show your friends that you donated to Vrijschrift? Then please mail your name, donation amount and donation date. Our treasurer will add your name to your donation here.

Tax deductible?

Donations received

Permanent sponsors: XS4ALL delivers server rack space and data traffic,ViaISN delivers the servers and promotional posters.

Keep ScriptumLibre Up and Running (last edited 2011-06-25 09:54:34 by WiebeVanDerWorp)