Diff for "ScriptumLibre"

Differences between revisions 4 and 6 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2008-02-03 20:29:55
Size: 353
Revision 6 as of 2008-02-12 00:58:37
Size: 765
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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ScriptumLibre creates awareness about the economic and social meaning of free knowledge and culture for our society. ScriptumLibre fulfills both a protecting and promoting role. ScriptumLibre.org is the international branch of the Vrijschrift.org Foundation. == Would you do business with a company that would sue you for using a competitors product? ==

= Then Boycott Trend Micro! =
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'''See [:Boycott_Trend_Micro:The boycott page] for more information.'''

ScriptumLibre creates awareness about the economic and social meaning of free knowledge and culture for our society. ScriptumLibre fulfills both a protecting and promoting role. ScriptumLibre.org is the international branch of the Dutch Vrijschrift.org Foundation. On an international level we host the '[http://www.translationproject.org/ Translation Project]' for Free Software and we were very active fighting the European software patent directive and IPRED.

Would you do business with a company that would sue you for using a competitors product?

Then Boycott Trend Micro!


See [:Boycott_Trend_Micro:The boycott page] for more information.

ScriptumLibre creates awareness about the economic and social meaning of free knowledge and culture for our society. ScriptumLibre fulfills both a protecting and promoting role. ScriptumLibre.org is the international branch of the Dutch Vrijschrift.org Foundation. On an international level we host the '[http://www.translationproject.org/ Translation Project]' for Free Software and we were very active fighting the European software patent directive and IPRED.

All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.